white teeth

In the depth of winter,
I finally learned that there was within me an invincible summer.
-- Albert Camus (1913-1960)

Wednesday, September 14, 2005
long time

it has been years since i wrote here... but since i have been regular on my other blogs, it doesn't feel like such a wanton act of negligence. it is though. but today i was looking at a blog (dhaka diary) and was somehow transported to the bloggers flickr website and found some images of my native city and found my eyes getting moist.
i am using some of those images here, i hope the author won't mind.

this is where i grew up... this city. this chaos. this squalor. and yet, i feel lucky to have had the chance. these photos resonate deep inside my being, my identity.
we - who are transplants in this land of plenty - still and constantly miss the place of our birth, immersed as we are in shiny new, spanking white all-american splendor.
:: 1:08 PM ::

:: whiteteeth :: permalink ::